First Sunday Of Lent News

Priest-in-Charge Fr John Ainslie (; 01628 629827)

A very warm welcome to any new readers, and to visitors and newcomers to St Michael's. If you are new to St Michael's, do join us for refreshments in the Vestry Hall after the service so we can welcome you properly.

SERVICES THIS COMING WEEK: Thursday, said Mass in Lent 10.30am. Next Sunday 16th March Sung Mass 10.30am with a speaker from “Mary’s Meals”, our Lent Charity, followed by Lent Lunch in the hall.

SUNDAY 16th MARCH – LENT LUNCH with Donations for our Lent Charity – Mary’s Meals.

SATURDAY 22nd MARCH – QUIET MORNING 10am to 12.30 with STATIONS OF THE CROSS at 10.15, followed by prayer before the Blessed Sacrament.


SATURDAY 5th APRIL – WALSINGHAM MASS – At the Foot of the Cross with Mary.

HOLY WEEK begins with Palm Sunday on Sunday 13th April.


Mary’s Meals is a charity based in the Roman Catholic Church which provides meals for children in school in the very poorest countries. In this way they provide sustenance for children who otherwise would go hungry, but in a way that also encourages children to attend school and get an education which might lift them and their families out of poverty. Collections via Lent Boxes and our Lent Lunch on Sunday 16th March.

There are Lent Boxes and ‘Tea Cups’ at Back of Church – do please take one home if you wish, and use it for your loose change and regular donations throughout Lent. Bring it back full on Maundy Thursday !!

NEW CHURCH ELECTORAL ROLL: The box is still at back of church for late delivery of Electoral Roll forms.

ST MICHAEL’S PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO WALSINGHAM Tuesday 27th May – Friday 30th May. Last call for applications to join our pilgrimage – forms and deposit to Fr John please.

MAIDSTONE HOMELESS CARE: You will recall we supported MHC with our gifts at Epiphany. They have sent me a summary of their work in February: They had 242 visitors to the Day Centre, a 20% increase on January. Visitors used showers, laundry and replacement clothing, and 151 meals were provided. There were 13 new guests presenting themselves as homeless during the month. The most common reasons for someone presenting as suddenly homeless are being released from prison with no onward address, people with mental health issues, and relationship breakdown. 164 people and families also received help at home with food parcels during February.

FOR OUR PRAYERS: We pray that we would use Lent well as a time for prayer, reading and reflection. We pray for our fractured world at a time of uncertainty and crisis, especially for Ukraine and the Middle East. We pray for the homeless and those in financial difficulty, and for the work of MHC.

We pray for those in need, and especially Paul Jones, Glynis Reynolds, Yvonne Young, Jessica O’Sullivan, Lindsay Wheeler, Martyn Nash, Fran, Ellie Tomlinson, David Green, Alison Heywood, Norman Farrington, Olga Danes-Volkov, Pope Francis.

We pray for the recently departed, including John Mercer of our congregation. We remember those who have faithfully served God in this Church in previous generations, and we pray for those whose year’s mind occurs this week: Ken Landi, Arabella Butcher, Ellen Earl, Peter Roots.
