4th Before Lent News
Priest-in-Charge Fr John Ainslie (revjohnainslie@gmail.com; 01628 629827)
A very warm welcome to any new readers, and to visitors and newcomers to St Michael's. If you are new to St Michael's, do join us for refreshments in the Vestry Hall after the service so we can welcome you properly.
SERVICES THIS WEEK: Thursday - Mass at 10.30am. Next Sunday - Sung Mass at 10.30am.
NEW CHURCH ELECTORAL ROLL: Each CofE Church has an Electoral Roll (ER) of members, who enjoy various privileges such as electing members of the PCC who oversee the life of our Church. The number of people on the Roll is often taken as an indication of the health and vibrancy of the parish Church. A list of names on the Roll is published, but other personal data is held only by the Church and is not made public.
Every six years the Roll is constructed afresh at this time in the year, so even if you are currently on the Roll you will need to apply again. If you are not already on the Roll of this Church, this is an opportunity for you to join and show your support of St Michaels Church in this way.
To be eligible for the St Michael’s Electoral Roll, you need to have been baptised, be aged 16 or over, and to either reside in the parish of St Michaels or (if not) to have habitually attended worship here for at least six months.
Application Forms are available at the Back of Church for you to complete and return to myself – Fr John. Please complete and return your form asap and certainly before 30th March.
THERE IS A LIST AT BACK OF CHURCH for those wishing to attend the Consecration of Fr Luke as the new Bishop of Richborough at Canterbury Cathedral on Thursday 27th February at 2.30pm. Attendance is by prior registration, which I will arrange for those who have added their name to the LIST AT BACK OF CHURCH.
On SUNDAY 1st JUNE Bishop Luke (as he will then be) is coming to St Michael’s to Celebrate a Confirmation Mass for us at 10.30am. We have 3 adult candidates wishing to be Confirmed. This will be a very special occasion, and we are very fortunate that our new Bishop wishes to come to St Michael’s so early in his Episcopal ministry among us. Do please support this special occasion in the life of St Michaels.
ST MICHAEL’S PARISH PILGRIMAGE TO WALSINGHAM. The dates for this are Tuesday 27th May – Friday 30th May. I will shortly be asking for names and deposits from those who wish to go – so please consider if this might be for you, any questions please ask myself or Eleanor. Walsingham is the English National Shrine of Our Lady, with both an Anglican Shrine (where we will be staying) and a RC Shrine. There is information about Walsingham at the Back of Church, or look online at www.walsinghamanglican.org.uk Pilgrimage there is a wonderful mix of meeting like-minded Christians and socialising, and inspiring worship of the highest quality.
FOR OUR PRAYERS: We pray for Fr Luke as he prepares to be consecrated Bishop. We pray for Mellin, Zoe and Andy as they prepare for Adult Baptism and Confirmation. We pray for the General Synod, meeting this week.
We pray for those in need, and especially Paul Jones, Glynis Reynolds, Yvonne Young, Jessica O’Sullivan, Lindsay Wheeler, Martyn Nash, Fran, Ellie Tomlinson, David Green, Alison Heywood, Norman Farrington, Olga Danes-Volkov.
We pray for the recently departed, and among them Ina Eileen Wood, Brian Reed (Priest), Michael Lee and Céline Poitout. We remember those who have faithfully served God in this Church in previous generations, and we pray for those whose year’s mind occurs this week: Gladys Colyer, Mike Thresh, Lilian Gilbert.
FROM THE BELLTOWER: Sunday 2 February 1280 Spliced Surprise Major (5m) 256 each of Cambridge, Lincolnshire, Rutland, Superlative, Yorkshire; 39 com. 1 Svetlana Sokolova 2 Philip Jarvis 3 Jacqueline Barlow 4 Paul Barton 5 Mike Birkbeck 6 Mark Elvers 7 Pam Thomas 8 Neil Jones (C)
Friday 7 February 1272 Surprise Minor (2m) 552 Stamford Surprise Minor, 720 Lightfoot Surprise 1 Stephen Coaker (C) 2 Jacqueline Barlow 3 Jane Kostelnyk 4 Mark Elvers 5 Philip Jarvis 6 Pam Thomas
Remembering Brian Reed (Priest) R.I.P.