Feast Of Epiphany News

Priest-in-Charge Fr John Ainslie (revjohnainslie@gmail.com; 01628 629827)

A very warm welcomes to any new readers, and to visitors and newcomers to St Michael's. If you are new to St Michael's, do join us for refreshments in the Vestry Hall after the service so we can welcome you properly.

SERVICES THIS WEEK: Thursday - Mass at 10.30am. Next Sunday is the Feast of the Baptism of Christ – Sung Mass at 10.30am. All services followed by tea, coffee and refreshments.

EPIPHANY COLLECTION OF FOOD FOR THE HOMELESS AND THOSE IN NEED. Gifts were left in our Homeless Care basket at the back of church by some kind person attending church over Christmas.

I offer you an opportunity to join in with this kind gift to those less fortunate than ourselves - as we celebrate the Wise Men bringing their gifts to the Christ Child, we have an opportunity at Mass this morning to bring our own gifts to share in Christ’s work of love and compassion. Gifts placed in the basket before the service will be blessed during Mass and given to the Homeless Care Centre.

THE CRIB. Our Crib in church is sited near the entrance to the Ascension Chapel, and I suggest that you find an opportunity to spend a little time whilst in church to pray and contemplate at the Crib. If you stand by the Crib and look, you are gazing in on the scene; if you kneel or sit by the Crib you are on a level with the figures in the scene – and you will find yourself drawn into the Crib scene alongside Mary and Joseph and the Christ Child. I urge you to experience this for yourself. I have placed a small number of prayers by the Crib that you might like to use.

There are still some CHRISTMAS CARDS at the back of church waiting to be collected.

PLANNED GIVING – a very big THANK YOU to all who give regularly to St Michael’s Church – your support is vital for the maintenance of our worship and ministry in this place and for upkeep of the building. Thank you for your financial support in 2024 through the envelope scheme and through bank standing order, and for your continuing support in

  1. Planned Giving ENVELOPES for 2025 are now available at Back of Church.

If you would like to give regularly to our Church in one of these ways, don’t hesitate to talk to me about how to do this. Giving regularly helps the PCC with our financial planning, and it may also help you to plan your giving.

Our Archdeacon Andrew is retiring, there is an opportunity to thank him for his support and to wish him well at a Service followed by Refreshments at St Nicholas Allington, 14th January at 7pm. Email lbourne@diocant.org by 8 January if you hope to attend.

FOR OUR PRAYERS: We pray for peace across the Holy Land and the Middle East. For all families, for the homeless and for refugees. For the work of Maidstone Homeless Care, for staff, volunteers and clients.

We pray for those in need, and especially Paul Jones, Glynis Reynolds, Yvonne Young, Jessica O’Sullivan, Lindsay Wheeler, Martyn Nash, Fran, Ellie Tomlinson, Sara Dray, Robert Hill, Michael, Beryl Haigh, David Green and Alison Heywood.

We pray for the recently departed. We remember those who have faithfully served God in this Church in previous generations, and we pray for those whose year’s mind occurs this week: Joyce Neal, John Etherton, Relf Herriott, Grace Codling, Joyce Fermor, Dorothy Pearce, Andrew Ward, Annie Frazer, Sheelagh Ann Rust, Bertha Ward, Dorothy Tester, Lilian Agnes Rootes.

FROM THE BELLTOWER: Saturday, 28 December 2024 5040 Stedman Triples Composed by W A Cave (6 singles variation) 1 Stephen A Coaker 2 Adam A Brady 3 Jacqueline M Barlow 4 Andrew M Hills 5 Jason R Turnock 6 Paul N Mounsey (C) 7 Mark Chittenden-Pile 8 David J Dearnley

Rung half-muffled on the Innocents' Day.

Tuesday, 31 December 2024 5024 Rutland Surprise Major Composed by C Forster

1 Mark Chittenden-Pile 2 Josephine D Horton 3 Jacqueline M Barlow 4 Paul A Cammiade 5 Fiona M Wheeler 6 Neil W Jones 7 Stephen A Wheeler (C) 8 Richard A Pearce

Rung half-muffled for The Repose of the Souls of the Faithful Departed during the last year.
