Trinity 21 News

Priest-in-Charge Fr John Ainslie (; 01628 629827)

A very warm welcome to any new readers, and to visitors and newcomers to St Michael's. If you are new to St Michael's, do join us for refreshments in the Vestry Hall after the service, so we can welcome you properly.

PRAYER REQUEST SLIPS are available at the back of church if you want to request prayer for yourself, for someone else or for a particular situation.

SERVICES THIS WEEK: Thursday Mass at 10.30am followed by refreshments.

NEXT SUNDAY, 27TH OCTOBER, IS OUR DEDICATION FESTIVAL SUNG MASS AT 10.30am, followed by refreshments. PLEASE DO JOIN US FOR THIS DAY OF CELEBRATION! Our Church was consecrated on 25th October 1876.

ALL SOULS REQUIEM – REMEMBRANCE OF DEPARTED LOVED ONES - THURSDAY 31st OCTOBER at 10.30am. A list is available at Back of Church for you to add the names of departed loved ones you would like remembered at that Mass.

**MAIDSTONE ECO-HUB 26 Oct - 9 Nov, The Mall Shopping Centre
**Now in its third year, the pop-up community information centre in The Mall helps support people live more sustainably, save money and reduce their carbon footprint. Why not drop in for advice about becoming more sustainable?

CHRISTMAS MARKET – SATURDAY 30TH NOVEMBER 11am - 3pm. Stalls will include crafts & gifts; cakes; raffle and tombola; plants and gardening; books and jigsaw puzzles; Father Christmas grotto. If you can help by providing items for these stalls, or small gifts for children for the grotto, please either put them in the Box at Back of Church or let one of the organisers know what you will be bringing, also decorations so we can make the hall festive and decorate the grotto. So now is the time to have a look at home for any items you can donate to help us. And many thanks to the organisers – Alison Heywood, Catherine Garland, Alison Ponter, Zoe and Eleanor.

PRISONS WEEK is 13th-19th October, when we pray for the care and rehabilitation of prisoners, the resettlement of offenders, prison chaplains, and those who work in our criminal justice system. The courts, prisons and probation and resettlement services are all under immense strain at the moment and hugely underfunded. A large proportion of those in prison have mental health or learning difficulties or suffer from addictions. For too many, prison hardens their criminal tendencies, so we pray that prisoners will find an opportunity for reflection, repentance and a new start. The work of prison chaplains is hugely important in this. We also remember the children of those in prison, especially children separated from their mothers.

FOR OUR PRAYERS: For peace between nations and peoples and for the resolution of conflict, especially in the Middle East. For our criminal justice system, for prisoners and those who work in prisons, for those working for the rehabilitation of offenders, and for prison chaplains.

We pray for those in need, and especially Paul Jones, Glynis Reynolds, Yvonne Young, Jessica O’Sullivan, Frank Carr, Lindsay Wheeler, Peter Rowe, Martyn Nash, Fran, Keanna, Ellie Tomlinson, Sara Dray, Robert Hill and Michael.

We pray for the recently departed. We remember those who have faithfully served God in this Church in previous generations, and we pray for those whose year’s mind occurs this week: Rosamond Jones, Pamela Waite, Rachel Herriott, Dorothy Pye, John Meredith, Freddie Brown.
