Trinity 20 News
Priest-in-Charge Fr John Ainslie (; 01628 629827)
A very warm welcome to any new readers, and to visitors and newcomers to St Michael's. If you are new to St Michael's, do join us for refreshments in the Vestry Hall after the service, so we can welcome you properly.
PRAYER REQUEST SLIPS are available at the back of church if you want to request prayer for yourself, for someone else or for a particular situation.
SERVICES THIS WEEK: Thursday Mass at 10.30, next Sunday Sung Mass at 10.30 followed by refreshments.
THURSDAY MORNINGS – The Church is always open 10am to 12 noon on Thursday morning – you would be welcome to pop into Church for some quiet time, or to join us for a short, quiet service of Mass at 10.30.
Tea, Coffee and Cake from 11.15am.
SAINTS FOR THIS WEEK include the Spanish 16th Century nun, mystic, teacher, friend of St John of the Cross, and reformer of the Carmelite Order Teresa of Avila (Tuesday); the 1st Century Martyr and Bishop St Ignatius of Antioch, several of whose letters to various churches have been preserved (Thursday); and St Luke the Evangelist (Friday).
HUGE THANKS. The last couple of Sundays have been very special occasions for us, with the Patronal Festival on 29th September and our Harvest Festival last Sunday. Thank you to everyone who helped in any way with these occasions, for those who brought gifts of Harvest produce for distribution to local charities, and for all who attended our celebration services. And a special thanks to those who prepared the church so beautifully for our celebrations – weren’t there some wonderful flower arrangements for both festivals? We have some very talented and dedicated people in our midst!!
CHRISTMAS MARKET – SATURDAY 30TH NOVEMBER 11am - 3pm. Stalls will include crafts & gifts; cakes; raffle and tombola; plants and gardening; books and jigsaw puzzles; Father Christmas grotto. If you can help by providing items for these stalls, or small gifts for children for the grotto, please either put them in the Box at Back of Church or let one of the organisers know what you will be bringing, also decorations so we can make the hall festive and decorate the grotto. So now is the time to have a look at home for any items you can donate to help us. And many thanks to the organisers – Alison Heywood, Catherine Garland, Alison Ponter, Zoe and Eleanor.
FOR OUR PRAYERS: At this season of harvest and mellow fruitfulness we pray for the well-being of Creation. For appreciation of Creation as a gift to us from God for our enjoyment, health and well-being. For leadership across the world and determination to reduce climate change, pollution and the loss of species and biodiversity. For a fairer sharing of the gifts of creation, and for the work of charities such as Water Aid, Christian Aid, Oxfam and Save the Children as they bring food, water and healthcare to those in need. For peace between nations and peoples and for the resolution of conflict, especially in the Middle East.
We pray for those in need, and especially Paul Jones, Glynis Reynolds, Yvonne Young, Jessica O’Sullivan, Frank Carr, Lindsay Wheeler, Peter Rowe, Martyn Nash, Fran, Keanna, Ellie Tomlinson, Sara Dray, Robert Hill and Michael.
We pray for the recently departed. We remember those who have faithfully served God in this Church in previous generations, and we pray for those whose year’s mind occurs this week: Thomas Milner Barlow, Gweneth Bryson, Ann Cook, Freda Wallace.
FROM THE BELLTOWER: Friday, 4 October 2024 in 39m, 1274 Xingu River Surprise Minor 1 Emma Jarvis 2 Jacqueline Barlow 3 Philip Jarvis 4 Mark Elvers 5 Pam Thomas 6 Neil Jones (C)
Remembering Valerie Brown, 29/9/2023, R.I.P.