Trinity 16 News

Priest-in-Charge Fr John Ainslie (; 01628 629827)

A very warm welcome to any new readers, and to visitors and newcomers to St Michael's. If you are new to St Michael's, do join us for refreshments in the Vestry Hall after the service, so we can welcome you properly.

PRAYER REQUEST SLIPS are available at the back of church if you want to request prayer for yourself, for someone else or for a particular situation.

SERVICES THIS WEEK: Thursday Mass at 10.30, next Sunday Sung Mass 10.30am, followed by refreshments.

SAINT’S DAYS THIS WEEK: Next Saturday is the Feast Day of St Matthew, Apostle and Evangelist. Other saints remembered this week are E.B. Pusey, Priest and one of the founders of the Oxford Movement (Monday); St Ninian, 5th Century Bishop of Galloway in Scotland (also on Monday); 12th Century Abbess of Bingen (and writer of liturgical music) St Hildegard (Tuesday); 7th Century Archbishop of Canterbury, Theodore of Tarsus (Thursday); and the Melanesian Martyrs killed in 1871 (Friday).

THANK YOU to all those who joined in the Gardening Working Party last Saturday, and those who have continued the work this week. The results are very apparent and have enhanced the appearance of our Church building. AND THANK YOU to all those who contributed to our Heritage Open Day – those who prepared the church, provided flowers in church, served refreshments, welcomed visitors, provided glorious live organ music, rang a peel on our bells, and provided the extremely interesting material on the history and architecture of our wonderful Church building, and explained its place within the Oxford Movement.

INVITATION TO HARBLEDOWN CHURCH TUESDAY 24th SEPTEMBER. 24th September if the Feast Day of Our Lady of Walsingham, and we are invited to join St Michael’s Harbledown for a Festal Mass at 7pm, followed by refreshments. So far we have 7 confirmed as going from our congregation, if others would like to join please let me know so I can advise Harbledown on numbers, and we can think about sharing transport. It will be a wonderful and enjoyable evening.

DEANERY ROADSHOW, ST LUKE’S 1st October 7pm. This is an opportunity to hear our Area Dean, Archdeacon and Diocesan Secretary and to quiz them as they talk about the future of the Church in our Deanery and Diocese. PCC members are especially encouraged to attend.

FOR OUR PRAYERS: We pray for peace with justice in Gaza and the Holy Land and in Ukraine, and for those who bring relief to the suffering in war zones. We give thanks for all those who in recent weeks have visited our church, attended services for the first time, or who came to our Heritage Open Day; we pray for them, that they will have glimpsed something of God’s love and glory and found this to be a place of peace and healing.

We pray for those in need, and especially Paul Jones, Glynis Reynolds, Yvonne Young, Jessica O’Sullivan, Frank Carr, Lindsay Wheeler, Peter Rowe, William Danes-Volkov, Martyn Nash, Lisa Thompset, Fran, Keanna, Ellie Tomlinson, Claire Goodwin, Sara Dray and Robert Hill.

We pray for the recently departed. We remember those who have faithfully served God in this Church in previous generations, and we pray for those whose year’s mind occurs this week: Marguerite Hart, Opal Fallows, Christine Ainslie. May they rest in peace and rise in glory.

FROM THE BELLTOWER: Sunday, 8 September in 39m (6–1–24 in C)
1272 Carlisle Surprise Minor

1 Kath White 2 Jacqueline Barlow 3 Janice Byrne 4 Jane Kostelnyk 5 Mark Elvers 6 Stephen Coaker (C)

Rung on the Accession Day of Charles III.
Also marking the Birthday of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
