Trinity 13 News

Priest-in-Charge Fr John Ainslie (; 01628 629827)

A very warm welcome to any new readers, and to visitors and newcomers to St Michael's. If you are new to St Michael's, do join us for refreshments in the Vestry Hall after the service, so we can welcome you properly.

PRAYER REQUEST SLIPS are available at the back of church if you want to request prayer for yourself, for someone else or for a particular situation.

SERVICES THIS WEEK: Thursday Mass at 10.30, next Sunday Sung Mass 10.30am, followed by refreshments.

CELL OF OUR LADY OF WALSINGHAM. Thank you so much to those of you who came to our first Mass of Our Lady last Saturday morning, it was a joyous occasion shared by 13 or 14 of us with refreshments afterwards kindly provided by Eleanor. And thank you for your positive comments regarding the bringing back into use of our Mary Altar in the North Aisle, seemingly for the first time in living memory. The paperwork to formally register the Cell has been forwarded to the Shrine at Walsingham.

RIDE+STRIDE and HERITAGE OPEN DAY are on Saturday 14th September – please note the date and plan to come if you can. Catherine Garland has a sponsorship form at the back of church for her sponsored ride to local churches, money raised is split 50:50 between ourselves and the Friends of Kent Churches which makes grants for the maintenance and repair of church buildings across the County. We hope to welcome many visitors into our beautiful church as part of Heritage Day, so we want the church and its grounds to be in beautiful condition for that day. Thanks to our bellringers there will be a ¼ peel rung at 10.30, and there will be cakes and refreshments and information on hand about the history, architecture and religious significance of our building. It should be a wonderful day.

SUNDAY MORNING SERVICES. We are grateful to those who provide a welcome to us as we enter our Church building for Mass on Sunday morning, and who especially give a welcome and a helping hand where needed to those visiting us for the first time. We are also grateful to those who read the Lessons and lead our intercessions. If you feel any of these are ministries which you would like to be a part of, just let me know. There is always room for more people to take an active role in Mass in these ways, and help and training is available if you are unsure what to do.

ST ANDREWS BARMING CHURCH FAIR is on Saturday 31st August 11.30 – 3pm. Do think of supporting our neighbours at St Andrews; cakes and food stalls, second hand bookstall, and more!!

FOR OUR PRAYERS: We pray for growth in faith, discipleship and numbers of our Church family; we give thanks for, and pray for, those who welcome us into Church on Sundays, who read at Mass, and who lead our intercessions.

We pray for those in need, and especially Paul Jones, Glynis Reynolds, Yvonne Young, Jessica O’Sullivan, Frank Carr, Lindsay Wheeler, Peter Rowe, William Danes-Volkov, Martyn Nash, Lisa Thompset, Fran, Keanna, Ellie Tomlinson and Claire Goodwin.

We pray for the recently departed. We remember those who have faithfully served God in this place in previous generations, and we pray for those whose year’s mind occurs this week: Fr Paul Gibbons, priest, Emily Aldous.

From the Belltower:

Sunday, 18 August 2024 in 43m (6–1–24 in C)
1312 Cassiobury Surprise Major composed by Mark T. Elvers.

1 Philip Jarvis 2 Jane L Kostelnyk 3 Jacqueline Barlow 4 Paul Barton 5 Stephen Coaker 6 Mark Elvers 7 Pam Thomas 8 Neil Jones (C)

Remembering Malcolm Lodwick R.I.P. Rung during Assumptiontide.
