Trinity 4 News

Priest-in-Charge Fr John Ainslie (; 01628 629827)

A very warm welcome to any new readers, and to visitors and newcomers to St Michael’s. If you are new to St Michael’s, do join us for refreshments in the Vestry Hall after the service, so we can welcome you properly.

SERVICES THIS WEEK: Note that there will not be a Mass on Thursday morning this week as we have the Memorial Service for Peggy Thresh on Thursday at 11.30am. Next Sunday Sung Mass is at 10.30am, when we will be celebrating the Feast of the Apostles SS Peter and Paul (transferred from Saturday 29th).

FEAST DAYS THIS WEEK: As I write this the Church is keeping the Feast of St Alban, the first Christian Martyr of Britan, who was beheaded on 22nd June ca year 250. The events of his martyrdom make for enlightening reading and can be found in Bede’s Ecclesiastical History Book 1 Chapter 7. His Feast reminds us how far back in time Christianity goes in these Isles (by comparison, Pope Gregory’s sending of Augustine to be the first Archbishop of Canterbury was not until 596).

Monday 24th sees the Feast of the Birth of John the Baptist – an event surrounded by immense works of the Holy spirit, as we read in the first chapter of Luke’s Gospel. His feast is at mid-Summer, recognising his words recorded in John 3:30 “He must increase, I must decrease”, speaking about Jesus and reminding us of the need to put God first.

THANK YOU to all who contributed to our fantastic Summer Fun Day last weekend. The total raised was just under £800. The event brought in many friends from our local community and beyond, and new faces too. We were delighted to see you all and to welcome you to St Michael’s, and we look forward to seeing you again.

A VERY BIG THANK YOU to the “mystery mower” who has done a splendid job mowing the grass around the church. Do make yourself known to me so I can thank you in person.

All Saint’s Church Maidstone is holding a festival entitled “Celebrating Life” from 21st to 30th June, with many events including concerts, a Festival Choral Evensong, and a cheese and wine reception followed by discussion on justice matters with Maidstone Crown Court Judges. Details at

Cell of Our Lady of Walsingham / Mass of Our Lady of Walsingham. Fr Paul has made the wonderful suggestion that we might form a Cell of OLW at St Michaels. The purpose is to form a group who commit to praying for the Shrine at Walsingham, and offer a regular Mary Mass – possibly monthly on Saturday morning. The Cell might also serve as a powerhouse of prayer for our mission and ministry at St Michaels as we seek to serve Our Lord in this Parish. We need at least seven members besides myself. If you would be interested please let me know.

IMPORTANT NEWS ABOUT OUR INTERCESSIONS LIST Our list of the Sick is well out of date, and includes names who can no longer be identified. From the beginning of July we will use a completely new list of those who are sick or otherwise need our prayers– please let me know asap if either you yourself, or someone you know, would like to be on our prayer list. The preference in future will be for Christian names [and Surnames]{.underline} to be used, so we have a better idea of who we are praying for. Email to me is good – - including full name, an idea of the reason for inclusion, and an indication of whether the person concerned has given their agreement to be included (if not, Christian name only will be used).

For our prayers: We pray for those fleeing persecution, and in our Parish for our schools esp St Michael’s primary and junior schools. In our National life we pray for the General Election, and in our Church we pray for those who bring us music, serving at the altar, and welcome and refreshments at our services.

We pray for all those in need, and especially Paul, Margaret, Ellie, Pauline, Rue, Fr Leon, Antony, Fran, Ellie, Tom, Joseph, Peter, Joan, Margaret, Lindsay, Glynis, Ethan, Sarah, Yvonne, Jessica, Leon, William, Martyn, HM The King and Catherine, Princess of Wales.

We pray for the recently departed, among them Peggy Thresh, and we remember Louise Mackett, Doris Smith and Helen Atkinson.

From the Bell Tower: Sunday 16 June 2024 in 39m (6–1–24 in C)
1272 Surprise Minor (2m) 720 London Surprise, 552 Norwich Surprise
1 Paul Barton 2 Jacqueline Barlow 3 Philip Jarvis 4 Jane L Kostelnyk 5 Mark Elvers 6 Neil Jones (C)

With the band’s congratulations to Fr. Stephen Trafford on his ordination to the priesthood.
