Trinity News

Priest-in-Charge Fr John Ainslie (; 01628 629827)

A very warm welcome to any new readers, and to visitors and newcomers to St Michael's. If you are new to St Michael's, do join us for refreshments in the Vestry Hall after the service, so that we can welcome you properly.

“Last of all, we humbly sing glory to our God and King,

Glory to the One in Three, on the Feast of Trinity.”

Our Services in the coming week: Thursday – Mass at 10.30 am; Sunday – Mass at 10.30 am.

Next Sunday we shall be celebrating Corpus Christi – a special day of thanksgiving for the Holy Eucharist. “Thanks be to God for His gift beyond words.”

Peggy Thresh's Memorial Service will take place in church on Thursday, June 27th, at 11.30 am, and will be preceded by a quarter-peal from our Tower. Please pass on the information to others who knew her.

Summer Fun Day: June 15th! We can start looking forward to this already – and publicising it. We'll have competitions and attractions for everyone from 10 am to 2 pm, including a tombola, a plant stall, crafts and gifts, cakes and refreshments. It will be the official birthday of HM The King – so children dressed as kings and princesses will be most welcome and may win a prize! Could you contribute plants, craft items, tombola items (preferably with a garden/picnic/outdoor theme) - or cakes etc. on the day? Please note Alison Heywood's poster in church about offerings for the plant stall. Entries will also be invited for the Best Crown and the Best Scarecrow! If you would like to offer further ideas, or help, Sara (07837 919761) will be delighted to hear from you.

Thank you to Martyn, William and others from St Michael's who welcomed the sixth-form volunteers from Oakwood Park Grammar School to our church on the 21st May. Thank you, too, to Mary and Mike, who ensured that no one was hungry or thirsty! And many thanks to the Oakwood Park students, and their Director Miss Kirsty Ryan, for arranging this generous and worthwhile volunteering scheme.

Friends of Kent Churches – the charity supported by the Ride and Stride event held every September – is 75 years old this year. Ride and Stride 2024 will take place on September 14th, and a special evensong at All Saints', Maidstone, is planned for 3.30 pm on September 21st. It isn't too early to Indicate that you would like to attend that service; email And please note that Heritage Open Day will coincide, as usual, with Ride and Stride on September 14th, and we shall open the church, as usual, to welcome visitors who come to enjoy our Angel Windows. This year's theme for the day is “Routes, Networks, Connections” - ideas welcome!

Readers' list for June: Many thanks to all our readers! If unable to read on the day listed, please feel free to swap with another reader.

June 2 OT + Ps Mike Trout, NT Alison Heywood
June 9 OT + Ps Ralph Baldock, NT Margaret Gatehouse
June 16 OT + Ps Eleanor Relle, NT William Danes-Volkov
June 23 OT + Ps Team Kwalombota, NT Catherine Garland
June 30 OT+ Ps Alison Heywood, NT Mike Trout

NB It's always good to hear from anyone who would like to join those who read at Mass – please have a word with Eleanor if you think you might.

We can help Ukraine, in however small a way: Simon at 27, Maryland Drive, Barming collects items for Ukraine, which are sent off in regular consignments. Medical and veterinary supplies (even if recently out of date, even if partly used), old towels etc. (but not duvets) and animal food (even if a bit out of date or partly used) are particularly appreciated.

From our Tower: Kent County Association: Maidstone, Kent St Michael and All Angels

Friday, 17 May 2024 in 38m (6–1–24 in C)

1320 Spliced Surprise Minor (2m)

2m: 720 Cambridge, 600 London; 22 com; singles only; atw.

  1. Terry Barnard
  2. Jacqueline Barlow
  3. Janice Byrne
  4. Mark Elvers
  5. Philip Jarvis
  6. Stephen Coaker (C)

Birthday Compliments to Kath White 9/5; Nick Wilkins and Rob Saunders 14/5; Neil Jones and Laura Byrne 15/5 and Tony Braben 17/5.

We pray for sick people everywhere, including: Paul, Margaret, Ellie, Pauline, Rue, Fr Leon, Antony, Fran, Ellie, Tom, Joseph, Peter, Joan, Margaret, Lindsay, Glynis, Ethan, Sarah, Yvonne, Jessica, Leon, HM The King, and Catherine, Princess of Wales

...and for the Departed, remembering: Ron Barton and Helen Margaret Cardew.
