Pentecost News

Priest-in-Charge Fr John Ainslie (; 01628 629827)

A very warm welcome to any new readers, and to visitors and newcomers to St Michael's. If you are new to St Michael's, do join us for refreshments in the Vestry Hall after the service, so that we can welcome you properly. Welcome back to Fr John, returning from his holiday, and thank you to Fr Paul for celebrating Mass for us in his absence.

Our Services in the coming week: Thursday – Mass at 10.30 am; Sunday – Mass at 10.30 am.

Peggy Thresh's Memorial Service will take place in church on Thursday, June 27th, at 11.30 am, and will be preceded by a quarter-peal from our Tower. Please pass on the information to others who knew her.

Summer Fun Day: June 15th! We can start looking forward to this already – and publicising it. We'll have competitions and attractions for everyone from 10 am to 2 pm, including a tombola, a plant stall, crafts and gifts, cakes and refreshments. It will be the official birthday of HM The King – so children dressed as kings and princesses will be most welcome and may win a prize! Could you contribute plants, craft items, tombola items (preferably with a garden/picnic/outdoor theme) - or cakes etc. on the day? Please note Alison Heywood's poster in church about offerings for the plant stall. Entries will also be invited for the best crown and the best scarecrow! If you have further ideas and offers of help, Sara (07837 919761) will be delighted to hear from you!

Our Tower was in action on Bell Sunday, 12th May:

Kent County Association, Maidstone, Kent: St Michael and All Angels

Sunday, 12 May 2024 in 41m (6–1–24 in C)

1250 Cheesden Surprise Major

  1. Philip Jarvis
  2. Mike Birkbeck
  3. Jane L Kostelnyk
  4. Mark Elvers
  5. Jacqueline Barlow
  6. Janice Byrne
  7. Kath White
  8. Neil Jones (C)

A 50th Birthday Compliment to Mark Elvers (8/5/24) and for Bell Sunday. Rung during Ascensiontide.

300th Q in this tower: 8.

Our Tower will be the venue for a District Practice on Saturday, June 8th, from 10 am to 12 noon.

Volunteers' Day: On Tuesday, 21st May, we shall be welcoming a group of student volunteers from Oakwood Park Grammar School, who will be tackling various maintenance jobs around our church building and grounds. Warm thanks in advance to them, to their Director Miss Kirsty Ryan, and to William, Martyn and the other church members who will be on site to ensure that all goes smoothly.

The Forward in Faith Festival took place in a sun-soaked London on May 11th. It was good to see representatives from other Resolution parishes in this diocese, including some who had never attended before. The proceedings began with Solemn Mass (the choir singing Rheinberger's Mass in E) and ended with Benediction – and the time in between was occupied by an enjoyable lunch and a surprisingly interesting AGM. Among the encouraging news from the latter was:

(1) The wheels are in motion for the appointment of a new Bishop of Richborough to fill the vacancy left by Bishop Norman's retirement – though the process will not be speedy.

(2) We are encouraged to keep 2025 as a Year of Faith, as it will be the 1700th anniversary of the Council of Nicaea. Two sets of resources will be produced for parishes, comprising an Advent and a Lent course, to prompt us to think seriously about (and to affirm) what we believe - and why it matters.

(3) The Bishop of Fulham reported ongoing discussion about the seal of the confessional in relation to the pressure, in some quarters, for mandatory reporting of any disclosure of abuse without exception. A report has now been submitted to the House of Bishops and the Archbishops' Council, but no immediate response to this is expected. We all want a safer church, but it is hard to see how abrogating or qualifying the seal would achieve a safer church. What has become apparent, in the discussions thus far, is a widespread and profound misunderstanding of what the ministry of sacramental Confession involves, and the need for better teaching and training on the subject is now being recognised.

And finally: We were urged to have the courage of our convictions - financially (subscriptions are going up!) but above all in the active renewal of our liturgical life and our evangelism:

“If you have retreated into a bunker – debunk yourself!”

We pray for sick people everywhere, including: Paul, Margaret, Ellie, Pauline, Rue, Fr Leon, Antony, Fran, Ellie, Tom, Joseph, Peter, Joan, Margaret, Lindsay, Glynis, Ethan, Sarah, Yvonne, Jessica, Leon, HM The King, and Catherine, Princess of Wales

...and for the Departed, including: Cyril Hudson, Pat Lury (priest), Bill Brewster, Patricia Follett, Stella Locke, Rosie Smith.
