Palm Sunday News

A very warm welcome to any new readers, and to visitors and newcomers to St Michael's. A very special welcome to Fr John, our new parish priest, who is celebrating Mass here for the first time. If you are new to St Michael's, do join us in the Vestry Hall after the service, so that we can welcome you properly.

Fr John writes: Many, many thanks to everyone for the truly wonderful Licensing Service on Thursday evening. I know a lot of work went into planning the event, preparing the church, and providing excellent refreshments and music on the day itself. Thank you to all of you who came, and to all who contributed in whatever way. It was a wonderful occasion and I am so grateful to you all.

Holy Week and Easter Services: Today we begin the most important part of the Christian year. Let's all take our full part in its worship – perhaps trying something new to us as well as what is familiar from past years?

Today, Palm Sunday: Stations of the Cross, 5pm. (A reflective way to follow our Lord to Calvary).

Monday 25th March – Said Mass and Homily, 7.30pm.

Tuesday 26th March – Chrism Mass at Canterbury Cathedral, 12 noon.

Wednesday 27th March – Said Mass and Homily, 10.30am.

Thursday 28th March - Maundy Thursday Mass of the Last Supper, 7.30pm.

Watch of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament until Midnight.

Good Friday 29th March – Good Friday Liturgy, 3pm.

Holy Saturday evening, 30th March - Vigil and Easter Ceremonies, 7.30pm.

Easter Sunday 31st March – Sung Mass for Easter Day, 10.30am.

Everyone is welcome at the Chrism Mass in the Cathedral crypt, when we can gather round the Bishop as he consecrates the oils that are used to for the anointing of sick people, of those preparing for baptism and of Chrism, which reminds us that we are a Royal Priesthood (1Peter 2.9)

Priests will be available to hear Confessions before the Chrism Mass from 11 am; ask a steward in the crypt for directions if necessary.

After Maundy Thursday Mass, many people like to spend some time watching with our Lord in Gethsemane, as the first disciples tried to do. Our Watch (in the Ascension Chapel) will continue until midnight, and you are invited to sign the list in the narthex.

At St Michael's this year we have the opportunity to do something special in the first part of Holy Week, as well as on the solemn days of Maundy Thursday, Good Friday and Holy Saturday. Mass will be celebrated here on Monday at 7.30 pm and on Wednesday at 10.30 am.

This will be a Holy Week to remember! We shall be worshipping with our new priest and getting to know him, but in addition we are expecting a visit from the Archbishop of Canterbury, who will be joining in our worship for the wonderful Vigil and Easter Ceremonies on Holy Saturday, starting at 7.30 pm. If you have never experienced this service, make this year the first of many! After the service we can all welcome the Archbishop and his party to convivial drinks and nibbles in the Vestry Hall before he returns to Canterbury (he is broadcasting in the morning). Some of the Archbishop's other fixtures in Maidstone are also open to anyone who would like to come.

Thank you to Margaret G for all her work in organising the church flowers for this special, but demanding, time of the year. We can all do something to help: greenery and anything else suitable will be most welcome, as will willing hands. Please deliver what you can on Maundy Thursday from 10.30 am, and also come and deliver, and/or arrange, on Holy Saturday from 10 am.

We are welcoming the St Michael's Schools for their service on Maundy Thursday; please would you kindly pile up the kneelers after Mass today?

We pray for sick people everywhere, including: Paul, Margaret, Ellie, Pauline, Rue, Fr Leon, Antony, Fran, Ellie, Tom, Joseph, Peter, Joan, Margaret, Lindsay, Glynis, Ethan, Sarah, Yvonne, HM The King and Catherine, Princess of Wales.

And among the departed: Arthur Tester; Fred Harte, priest; and Bert Osborne, whose anniversaries occur at this time.

From our Tower: On Good Friday a half-muffled peal will be rung, from 9.30 am to 1.00 pm approximately.

Could you pass on this sheet to someone else who might like to see it?
