Lent 5 News

A very warm welcome to any new readers, and to visitors and newcomers to St Michael's. A special welcome and thanks to Fr Paul Matthias, our celebrant this morning. If you are new to St Michael's, do join us in the Vestry Hall after the service, so that we can welcome you properly.

Please note: No Mass on Thursday morning, the 21st. But do come and support Fr John, and the parish, at his Licensing Service at 7.00 pm.

Holy Week and Easter: This most important part of the Christian year is almost upon us. Let's all take our full part in its worship:

Sunday 24th March -

Palm Sunday procession and Sung Mass, 10.15am.

Stations of the Cross, 5pm.

Monday 25th March – Said Mass and Homily, 7.30pm.

Wednesday 27th March – Said Mass and Homily, 10.30am.

Thursday 28th March -

Maundy Thursday Mass of the Last Supper, 7.30pm.

Watch of prayer before the Blessed Sacrament until Midnight.

Good Friday 29th March – Good Friday Liturgy, 3pm.

Holy Saturday evening, 30th March - Vigil and Easter Ceremonies, 7.30pm.

Easter Sunday 31st March – Sung Mass for Easter Day, 10.30am.

NB Our Palm Sunday service starts in the Parish Hall at 10.15 am.

On Palm Sunday afternoon, Stations of the Cross – a fitting, reflective act of worship for Passiontide.

For the first time in many years, we shall have the opportunity to draw near to our Lord in the Holy Eucharist every day this Holy Week, here at St Michael's and, on Tuesday, at the Chrism Mass in Canterbury Cathedral at 12 noon.

We are hoping that the Archbishop of Canterbury, who is spending most of Holy Week in Maidstone, will be joining us for the Vigil and Easter Ceremonies on Holy Saturday. There will be joyous drinks and nibbles at the end of this wonderful service. Come and greet the risen Lord, and welcome the Archbishop to our church!

Today's Mass is the last Mass of our interregnum. We are deeply grateful to Fr Paul for all the help and support he has given to us over the last 20 months – so much so that it's impossible to imagine how we could have managed without him. Do sign the card – and the one for Bishop Norman. We thank God for the inspiration and encouragement of their ministry to us.

The Annual Parochial Church Meeting takes place on April 28th after Mass. This includes a review of the past year and also the important elections to the Parochial Church Council. If you have joined our congregation in the past year and would like to have voting rights, Martyn will shortly be updating the church Electoral Roll; please have a word with him and he will explain the procedure. The Electoral Roll is important to the parish for other reasons too – if you have joined us recently and want to play a full part in the life of St Michael's, do think about signing up when the time comes.

Easter flowers! Margaret G has been ordering lilies…. But we shall also need plenty of greenery to decorate the church, and if you have anything else suitable in your garden, please bring it along. It will be warmly welcomed on Maundy Thursday morning from 10.30 am and on Holy Saturday morning from 10 am. On both mornings there will be a chance for everyone to give a hand – by arranging flowers, by filling and emptying buckets, and by tidying up!

All Saints', Hollingbourne, is hosting a Scam and Fraud Awareness Presentation, by a police officer from Maidstone Community Safety Unit, on 27th March from 10 am – finishing time around 11.30. All are welcome – do you know someone who might find this helpful?

Could you be an Eco-Rep? At this time when we are all being challenged to think about Net Zero, and churches are being encouraged to give a lead in concern for the environment, all churches in our deanery are being asked to have a “link person” to attend occasional meetings and pass on information to their congregations. St Michael's needs one – could it be you? If you think it could, please speak to Eleanor, who will put you in touch with the Revd Joyce Addison, the organiser.

A gentle Spring Woodland Walk, Saturday 23rd March, 10-11.30 am , is planned by Cllr Stuart Jeffery and the Friends of Oaken Wood. Meet at The Redstart in North Street, Barming.
