Epiphany News

A very warm welcome to any new readers, and to visitors and newcomers to St Michael's. A special welcome-back and thanks to Fr Paul Matthias, our celebrant this morning, who will also kindly be saying Mass for us on Thursday at 10.30 am. If you are new to St Michael's, do join us in the Vestry Hall after the service, so that we can welcome you properly.

Epiphany Chalk? At today's Mass, according to ancient custom, chalk will be blessed and all are invited to take a piece home to mark their door or lintel with the initials of the traditional names of the three wise men. (Pick up in the narthex a piece of paper explaining how this is done). A Church Times article some years ago commented,”This Epiphany ceremony is a simple but meaningful act of witness which symbolises Christian willingness to offer hospitality and shelter to the Magi on their journey to Bethlehem, and also, by extension in today’s world, to welcome all and sundry who love or are seeking the Lord’s Christ.”

Don't forget our Service of Music and Readings for Epiphany, with an augmented choir directed by Gareth James, which takes place at 5 pm today and will be followed by seasonal refreshments in the Vestry Hall. Could you invite a friend or family member who doesn't yet know St Michael's? Everyone is welcome, and this is the kind of service – with some relaxed socialising - at which visitors sometimes like to “test the water”!

Valerie Stickland's funeral will take place at Vinters Park on 31st January at 1.15 pm. Further details shortly.

Pilgrimage to Walsingham, August 19th-24th. Some enquiries already received, but there must surely be more to come. Walsingham just after August 15th is a beautiful, quiet, prayerful place in which to spend time with God and with our Lady (whose example of loving obedience continually points us towards Him) while enjoying the lovely countryside and coast of north Norfolk. If you have never made a Walsingham pilgrimage before and want to know more, do speak to Fr Paul or to Eleanor. An enquiry at this stage doesn't commit you – it's just helpful to Fr Peter Harnden, who is arranging and leading the pilgrimage, if he can have a rough idea of possible numbers when he makes a preliminary booking later this month.

The Parochial Church Council meets on 10th January in the Vestry Hall at 7.30 pm. If there is any matter you would like raised, please speak to a PCC member today.

Worship.Works has arranged an Ignite! Meet-up at Maidstone House Level 3, on Thursday 11th January, 6 -7.30 pm. A chance for Christian professionals to meet one another and explore Biblical principles for serving God through their work. Tickets (£3 per person) are available via Eventbrite.

From Our Tower:

Kent County Association, Maidstone, Kent

St Michael and All Angels

Sunday, 31 December 2023 in 2h 40 (6–1–24 in C)

5056 Yorkshire Surprise Major

Composed by Anthony J Cox

  1. John E Haimes
  2. Josephine D Horton
  3. Jacqueline M Barlow
  4. Fiona M Wheeler
  5. Paul A Cammiade
  6. Richard A Pearce
  7. Stephen A Wheeler (C)
  8. Andrew M Hills

1st on 8 - 1

Half-muffled for the repose of the souls of the faithful departed during the last year.

Can someone very kindly take charge of washing and ironing the altar linen (corporals, lavabo towels and purificators)? We are most grateful to Katja, who has done this in the recent past but is now unable to continue. We can arrange to deliver and collect if transport poses a problem. Please speak to Jonathan if you think you may be able to help.

Thy Kingdom Come is an international and ecumenical movement praying for the spread of the Good News among those who have not yet heard it. In particular, there will be a Wave of Prayer in May 2024 between Ascension and Pentecost. Visit the website for more information.
