Advent 4 News

A very warm welcome to any new readers, and to visitors and newcomers to St Michael's. Everyone is warmly invited to coffee in the Vestry Hall after Sunday's 10.30 Mass. If new to St Michael's, please come and join us so that we can welcome you properly!

We assure Fr Paul of our continued prayers. As well as the painful aftermath of his eye procedure last week, he is now suffering from a chest infection, and is unable to lead our Christmas worship. We are so grateful for all his help, and wish him a swift recovery.

We warmly welcome and thank Fr Richard Bolton and Fr Paul Kish, who have generously stepped in, at very short notice, to celebrate our Masses on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.

Thank you to Margaret, Sue and helpers who decorated the church on Friday, and to Martyn and Ralph for setting up the stable and the Christmas trees.

Bishop Norman has emailed his Christmas blessing to all at St Michael's.

Our services later today – and tomorrow:

Family Crib Service, 4.30 pm

Midnight Mass, 11.30 pm

Mass on Christmas Morning, 10.30 am.

An Extra Epiphany service of readings and music will take place at St Michael's on January 7th at 5 pm, followed by refreshments. Come and join in, and invite your friends!

Pilgrimage to Walsingham, 19th-24th August 2024. A chance to spend time at this lovely Norfolk shrine of Our Lady – praying, unwinding, learning and, with fellow-pilgrims, enjoying the beautiful surroundings and unique atmosphere. If you think you might be interested, please speak to Eleanor – Fr Peter Harnden of Harbledown, who is arranging it, would like a rough idea of possible numbers for the initial booking in January, but of course no one is committed at this stage.

Can someone very kindly take charge of washing and ironing the altar linen (corporals and purificators)? We are most grateful to Katja, who has done this in the recent past but is now unable to continue. We can arrange to deliver and collect if transport poses a problem. Please speak to Jonathan if you think you may be able to help.

Make a Difference Maidstone is engaged in a new project for empowering women suffering domestic abuse. This will require volunteer women mentors who are willing to support sufferers over a period of a year. Training will take place in February, and Open Days for anyone interested will take place at the Living Word Bookshop (49 Church Street) on January 8th and 11th. For further information please telephone Rob Foley – 01622 687414.

From our Tower: Kent County Association; Maidstone, Kent, St Michael and All Angels

Friday, 15 December 2023 (6–1–24 in C)

1320 Cambridge Surprise Minor

  1. Charlotte Elvers
  2. Jacqueline M Barlow
  3. Mark Elvers
  4. Terry Barnard
  5. Emma Jarvis
  6. Philip Jarvis (C)

Rung on the Saint's Day of Saint Mary di Rosa 1855

January 2024 readers' list:

Warmest thanks, and Christmas wishes, to all our readers. If unable to read on the day listed, please try to arrange a swap with another reader.

7th January OT Team Kwalombota, NT Mike Trout

14th January OT Alison Heywood, NT Ralph Baldock

21st January OT Margaret Gatehouse, Catherine Garland

24th January OT William Danes-Volkov, Eleanor Relle

Refreshment Rota: Sue has kindly created a January rota for people willing to serve tea/coffee on Sunday mornings after Mass. Could YOU sign up for a Sunday? Please think about supporting the St Michael's family in this way, and thus also offering welcome and encouragement to people who may be with us for the first time!

Among the sick, we pray today for Fr Paul and for Paul, Margaret, Ellie, Pauline, Rue, Fr Leon, Antony, Fran, Ellie, Tom, Joseph, Valerie, Peter, Joan, Margaret, Lindsay, Glynis, Ethan, Sarah, and Yvonne.

Among the departed, Michael Houghton (bishop), Rosetta Towner, Carol Crisp, Margaret Farrington, David Amphlett.
