Trinity 20 News

A very warm welcome to any new readers, and to visitors and newcomers to St Michael's. A special welcome and thanks to Fr Paul Matthias, our celebrant this morning, who will also kindly be saying Mass for us on Thursday at 10.30 am. If you are new to St Michael's, do join us in the Vestry Hall after the service, so that we can welcome you properly.

Valerie Brown's funeral Mass will take place in church on Friday, 27th October, at 12.30 pm (please note the slight alteration in timing), followed by cremation at Vinters Park at 2.45 pm. A card from the St Michael's congregation has been sent to her daughter Catherine.

Choral Evensong often speaks not only to active Anglicans but to many people whose links with the Church are far less definite. Everyone will be welcome at Choral Evensong at St Michael's on Sunday, 29th October, with a gathered choir conducted by Gareth James. Do pass the word around!

From Our Tower

Kent County Association Maidstone, Kent St Michael and All Angels

Sunday, 15 October 2023 in 42m (6–1–24 in C)

1280 Cornwall Surprise Major

  1. Janice Byrne
  2. Phillip Barnes
  3. Jacqueline Barlow
  4. Elizabeth Barnes
  5. Paul Barton
  6. Mark Elvers
  7. Pam Thomas
  8. Neil Jones (C)

Rung in memory of Tom Barlow (15/10/20), Charles Relle (7/10/15) and Peter Glazebrook (12/10/23), R.I.P.. May they Rest in Peace and Rise with Christ in Glory.

Friday, 20 October 2023 in 42m (6–1–24 in C)

1296 Grandad Surprise Minor (Lynn Scales)

  1. Steve Newlands
  2. Jacqueline Barlow
  3. Janice Byrne
  4. Mark Elvers
  5. Pam Thomas
  6. Stephen Coaker (C)

Rung on the Day of St Paul of the Cross, Priest, and St Frideswide.

Vacancy News

You will be happy to know that shortlisting has now taken place, and that the interview day has been fixed for December 6th. The timetable for this is still to be worked out, but please continue to pray for all involved in the appointment process.

November 19th will be Safeguarding Sunday! - not a major liturgical concern, but a good time to do a little stocktaking. Everyone interested is encouraged to take the Basic Awareness and Foundations online units, and, additionally, all PCC members now have to take the Awareness of Domestic Abuse unit as well as the first two. Churchwardens, Readers and others with special responsibilities in the church also have to take the Leadership unit – this unit is not just for clergy. All this is obligatory and Katja is responsible for seeing that we all tick the right boxes. Please see Katja if you have questions or need guidance – she will be very happy to help you. We all need to make sure that our church is a place where young or vulnerable people can be confident and safe.

Maidstone Street Pastors are celebrating 15 years as a Christian presence on weekend evenings on the streets of the county town, being available to anyone who gets into difficulties among its sometimes hectic nightlife. This can involve providing reassurance, sick-bags, bottled water, flip-flops, rain ponchos, and even foil blankets, sleeping-bags and small tents – all of which costs about £13000 a year, mostly met from donations. To find out more about what they do, and how to support them by prayer and otherwise, visit

For your prayers:

Among the sick we remember Margaret, Ellie, Pauline, Rue, Fr Leon, Antony, Fran, Ellie, Tom, Joseph, Pamela, Valerie, Peter, Joan, Gay, Margaret, Lindsay, Glynis, Ethan and Sarah.

Among the departed: Gweneth Bryson, Ann Cook, Freda Wallace and Rosamond Jones.

Could you pass on this sheet to someone else who might like to see it?
