Trinity 16 News

A very warm welcome to any new readers, and to visitors and newcomers to St Michael's. A special welcome and thanks to Fr Paul Matthias, our celebrant this morning, who will also kindly be saying Mass for us on Thursday at 10.30 am. If you are new to St Michael's, do join us in the Vestry Hall after the service, so that we can welcome you properly.

Welcome, too, to Harry, whose Baptism takes place during this morning's Mass. We assure him of our support and our prayers as he sets out on his Christian journey.

Thank you so much to all who joined the Garden Working Party yesterday, and to Martyn for arranging it. It was a sunny and companionable morning, and you have really made a difference!

The Maidstone Deanery Roadshow at St Luke's, Maidstone, on October 16th at 7 pm - what is it? Deanery Roadshows are a chance for parishes to learn about the financial plans of the diocese and how they will affect the deanery and its parishes. Those present can ask questions and, indeed, make representations about financial matters that concern them. Recently St Michael's has made its presence felt, and its voice heard, on these occasions. Please note the date and try to come along.

Flowers in church: Members of the congregation sometimes wish to dedicate a flower arrangement in church in memory of a loved one. If you would like to do this, please have a word with Margaret G., who can provide information and help.

We shall be welcoming the St Michael's Schools for their Michaelmas-and-Harvest Service on Friday, 29th September, at 9.30 am. Please, after today's Mass, can you kindly move kneelers out of the way to maximise the available space, and see that all books are returned to the back of church?

The Family Trust – which focuses on encouraging children and young people to explore the Christian faith – seeks to appoint a new Schools Worker to join its team in this part of Kent. A rewarding opportunity for service and mission! Details at

Choral Evensong often speaks not only to active Anglicans but to many people whose links with the Church are far less definite. Everyone will be welcome at Choral Evensong at St Michael's on Sunday, 29th October, with a gathered choir conducted by Gareth James. Do pass the word around!

Don't forget our Michaelmas Lunch next Sunday, 1st October! If you are able and willing to bring a contribution of food, please sign up on the pink list at back of church. Thank you to Alison and all the other angels who are helping to make this a joyful occasion for everyone! All are welcome.

Our Harvest Thanksgiving will be just a week later, on October 8th. Everyone is invited to enjoy a glass of wine and cake after Mass. Please, if you can, come to church with an offering of food to be delivered to the Christian Care Foodbank in Knightrider Street. Imperishable food is most welcome, but so is fresh garden produce. Thank you in advance for your generosity – particularly appreciated in these difficult times.

From Our Tower: Kent County Association - Maidstone, Kent: St Michael and All Angels

Sunday, 10 September 2023 in 41m (6–1–24 in C): 1317 Gangnam Surprise Minor

  1. Janice Byrne
  2. Jacqueline Barlow
  3. Philip Jarvis
  4. Mark Elvers
  5. Stephen Coaker
  6. Neil Jones (C)

Rung on the Saint's Day of St Thomas of Villanova.

Sunday, 17 September 2023 in 44m (6–1–24 in C): 1260 Stedman Triples

  1. Philip Jarvis
  2. Kath White
  3. Jacqueline Barlow
  4. Emma Jarvis
  5. Paul Barton
  6. Mark Elvers
  7. Neil Jones (C)
  8. Mike Birkbeck

1st of Stedman: 6.

Rung on the Saint's Day of Hildegard, Abbess of Bingen

Readers' List for October – warmest thanks to all our readers!

1st October OT Margaret Gatehouse, NT Mike Trout

8th October OT Catherine Garland, NT Alison Heywood

15th October OT Ralph Baldock, NT Katja Svarts

22nd October OT Paul Jones, NT William Danes-Volkov

29th October OT Team Kwalombota, NT Eleanor Relle

(If unable to read on the day listed, please try to arrange a swap with another reader).
