Trinity 14 News

A very warm welcome to any new readers, and to visitors and newcomers to St Michael's. A special welcome and thanks to Fr Paul Matthias, our celebrant this morning, who will also kindly be saying Mass for us on Thursday at 10.30 am. If you are new to St Michael's, do join us in the Vestry Hall after the service, so that we can welcome you properly.

Thank you to everyone who contributed time, effort, imagination and cake to our Heritage Open Day!Particular thanks to Alison for taking charge of the refreshments, to Sue for her lovely flower arrangements, to Gareth for the wonderful organ music, to Sara for the children's craft activity and to Martyn and Paul for dealing with unwieldy banners and bunting. The amazing Catherine cycled around 20 churches in blistering heat and has raised almost £400 in sponsor money, which will be divided between the Friends of Kent Churches and St Michael's. Other Riders and Striders from far and wide were signed in by Fr Paul and by Mike and Mary. Meanwhile, friends and pupils of the Wendy House had a lively time bouncing on a bouncy castle, having tea with a princess and enjoying other attractions organised by Wendy and her helpers. Well done, everybody!

St Michael's is proud of its Tower and its network of dedicated ringers. In addition to the regular practices and various quarter-peals, three peals are planned for the remaining months of 2023:

Monday October 30th in memory of Tom and Tony (time to be confirmed) 3hrs
Thursday December 28th 11:15 to 2:15 1/2 muffled for the Innocents 3 hrs
Sunday December 31st (time to be confirmed)1/2 muffled 3 hrs, for the Repose of the Souls of the Faithful Departed.

Kent County Association Maidstone, Kent St Michael and All Angels

Sunday, 3 September 2023 (6–1–24 in C)

1280 Yorkshire Surprise Major

  1. Janice Byrne
  2. Michael A Birkbeck
  3. Jacqueline M Barlow
  4. Rupert Cheeseman
  5. Paul A Barton
  6. Mark Elvers
  7. Pam Thomas
  8. Philip Jarvis (C)

A 60th Birthday Compliment to Scott Hyams (1/9)

Rung on the Saint's Day of Gregory the Great, Bishop of Rome, Teacher of the Faith, 604.

A chance to support the Royal National Lifeboat Institution: there's a box in the narthex for used stamps! Please don't try to detach them from the envelopes – about an inch of envelope all round the stamp is good if you can manage it.

Michaelmas Lunch! An opportunity to get together and celebrate our patronal festival over a shared meal after Mass on Sunday, October 1st. Can you be an angel and start to think about some item of food you would like to bring? A list will appear shortly - or have a word with Alison.

Other Michaelmas treats are planned by other Resolution parishes in this diocese - all visitors welcome:

St Michael's, Harbledown – Solemn Mass on 29th September at 7 pm, followed by a buffet reception

Holy Trinity, Ramsgate - Songs of Praise on 30th September at 3 pm.

A session of our Garden Working Party takes place on Saturday 23^rd^ September from 9.30 am, the plan being to trim our hedge. All helpers will be really welcome – please see Martyn for further information.

Our pre-Christmas Fair is planned for December 2nd and Sara is very kindly taking charge. For work reasons she can't always be here on a Sunday, but will greatly welcome money-making ideas and offers of help if you phone her on 07837 919761. Let's make this another really good St Michael's team effort.

Great news for families with primary age boys: after a long break, there will once more be Cubs and Beavers in our Vestry Hall. In addition, there will now be Squirrels – for boys not yet old enough for the Beaver colony. To learn more, come along to the opening night – Monday, 18th September. Further information from Ralph.

PCC meets on 20th September in the Vestry Hall at 7.30 pm. If there is anything you would like discussed, please speak to a member so that it can be included in the Agenda.

Could you pass this sheet on to someone else who might like to see it?
