Trinity 10 News

A very warm welcome to any new readers, and to visitors and newcomers to St Michael's. A special welcome and thanks to Fr Paul, our celebrant this morning, and to our preacher, Archdeacon Andrew Sewell, who will also be formally inducting Jonathan as our Churchwarden today. If you are new to St Michael's, do join us in the Vestry Hall after the service, so that we can welcome you properly.

Please note: no Mass on Thursday, 17th August, as Fr Paul will be at Walsingham on pilgrimage.

Looking ahead: Saturday, September 9th, 10 am – 4 pm, is a Heritage Open Day. We want our local community – and visitors from further afield – to enjoy the lovely Angel Windows in this listed building, and, God willing, to get a sense of the beauty of holiness as St Michael's tries to show it. We need volunteers to bake cakes/biscuits, make tea and coffee, welcome visitors and act as stewards, answer questions, and sign-in the Ride and Stride participants – including Catherine - who will be doing their sponsored walk or cycle-ride on the same day in aid of the Friends of Kent Churches. This is a precious opportunity to develop our community links and to encourage more people to get to know St Michael's - and what it stands for. Please sign the list of helpers at the back of church!

Ride & Stride on 9th September will number Catherine among its Riders. Please look for the yellow form at the back of church if you would like to sponsor her. Her Riding (around as many participating churches as she can on the day) will benefit the Friends of Kent Churches, but there is a welcome rake-off for her parish church as well. Do give Catherine your support.

Warmest thanks to all involved in redecorating the Vestry Hall, whose combined efforts are producing most encouraging results. It isn't too late to offer further help – please speak to Paul or Martyn.

Maidstone's Eco Hub at The Mall is open until 8th September – Thursday, Friday and alternate Wednesdays and Saturdays – with advice on sustainable living, wildlife-friendly gardening, money-saving grants and more, as well as holiday activities for children. Why not drop in?

The Princess Project began in Maidstone and is now helping disadvantaged mums all over Kent. It's holding an Open Day at the URC Church Hall on Friday, 8th September, 10am-2pm. The Project is opening 2 new hubs and is seeking more helpers who can advise and support mums in difficulties; it's always keen, too, to hear from mums who need help. Find out more at

Why do we….? Fr Paul will soon be providing a chance to discover more, or refresh our memories, about what we believe and how it is expressed and embodied in what we do in church. If you might like to be part of a group exploring this aspect of our faith, please speak to Fr Paul about it. If you are thinking of becoming a server, please speak to him about that, too – we need more servers!

Please pray for pilgrims – particularly for the little party from St Michael's heading for Walsingham this week. If you've never been to Walsingham and are perhaps hesitant, an upcoming opportunity to “test the water” is the weekend Richborough Family Pilgrimage – Friday 8th to Sunday 10th September, led by Bishop Norman. Book direct with the Accommodation Office (01328 820239), mentioning “Richborough Family Pilgrimage”. Bishop Norman, former vicar of that very parish, is an inspiring pilgrimage leader. If you wonder why people go to Walsingham – ask anyone who has been! A teenager on a recent youth pilgrimage said, she could “feel God right next to me.”

From Our Tower: Kent County Association - Maidstone, Kent, St Michael and All Angels

Friday, 11 August 2023 in 41m (6–1–24 in C): 1260 Plain Bob Minor

  1. Jacqueline Barlow
  2. Charlotte Elvers
  3. Steve Newlands
  4. Mark Elvers
  5. Janice Byrne
  6. Neil Jones (C)

Remembering Jason Orwin (1/8/2020), R.I.P..

An opportunity for this autumn? Canterbury Diocese is running an eight-session “Deepening Discipleship” course which will take place on Wednesday evenings via Zoom, beginning on 27th September – thus participants will not be faced with cold and tiring journeys in the evenings. This course encourages participants to reflect on, and develop, their Christian life, and it also provides a starting-point for anyone who is exploring the possibility of undertaking lay ministry. Applications close on September 13th. Visit Deepening Discipleship - Diocese of Canterbury ( for further information and an application form. (A chance for personal growth – or, indeed, might God be calling you to serve St Michael's as a lay minister?)

Vacancy news: Our advertisement will appear again in September. Please pray that God will send us a faithful priest.
