Trinity 6 News

A very warm welcome to any new readers, and to visitors and newcomers to St Michael's. A special welcome and thanks to Fr Paul, our celebrant this morning, who will also kindly be saying Mass for us on Thursday at 10.30 am. If you are new to St Michael's, do join us in the Vestry Hall after the service, so that we can welcome you properly.

An opportunity for this autumn? Canterbury Diocese is running an eight-session “Deepening Discipleship” course which will take place on Wednesday evenings via Zoom, beginning on 27th September – thus participants will not be faced with cold and tiring journeys in the evenings. This course encourages participants to reflect on, and develop, their Christian life, and it also provides a starting-point for anyone who is exploring the possibility of undertaking lay ministry. Applications close on September 13th. Visit Deepening Discipleship - Diocese of Canterbury ( for further information and an application form. (Could God be calling you to serve St Michael's as a lay minister?)

The PCC is eager to improve the state of our Halls. By way of a first step, surfaces in the Vestry Hall will be washed down and made good in preparation for re-painting, beginning at 9 am on Friday 28th and Saturday 29th July. If you could give some help on either or both of those days (even just for an hour or two), please speak to Martyn or Paul.

“Creativity Unwrapped” is the theme for this year's Heritage Open Day, which takes place on September 9th. As usual, this Day will coincide with Ride and Stride (the splendid sponsored walking and cycling event that takes place each year in aid of the Friends of Kent Churches), in which Catherine has already volunteered to be a Rider. This is an occasion on which we can welcome interested visitors into our Grade 2 Listed church. Have you any creative ideas, and can you offer help on the day? And can you put some money aside to sponsor Catherine?

Richborough Festival at St Albans. Join this annual day of fellowship and celebration on Saturday 5th August 2023, with Mass in the Cathedral at noon and then bring your own picnic for lunch in Bishop Norman's garden. This is a lovely opportunity to get together with people from other parishes in the Richborough family for inspiring liturgy and a convivial picnic, and also to mark our appreciation of the help and support of Bishop Norman over a number of years. If going to St Albans by car, could you offer anyone a lift?

Have you missed out on the August pilgrimage to Walsingham? There's another opportunity in September, when Bishop Norman will be leading a weekend pilgrimage for members of Richborough family parishes, from Friday 8th to Sunday 10th September. To book, please contact the Shrine accommodation office on 01328 820239, indicating when you book that this is for the Richborough Family Pilgrimage. This may be easier for many people to manage than a midweek pilgrimage, and will also of course be less expensive. If you have never been to Walsingham and are inclined to be hesitant, this might be for you. Bishop Norman's connection with Walsingham goes back many years (he was once vicar of that parish), and a Walsingham pilgrimage under his leadership should prove to be a spiritual shot in the arm!

Vacancy News: After the disappointing result last time, we had to request diocesan permission to re-advertise our vacancy. The Archdeacon kindly tells us that we now have this permission. As an advertisement appearing at the beginning of the holiday season seems unlikely to be very productive, we are working towards advertising in September. Please, everyone, keep praying!

It isn't just us…. Maidstone Baptist Church has been without a Senior Minister for four whole years! The good news is that the new minister, from Middlesborough, will be welcomed and inducted on 16th September and that all the Maidstone churches will be invited to send representatives. More information nearer the time.

We look forward to welcoming Archdeacon Andrew, who will be preaching at Mass on Sunday, August 13th. It is good to be seeing him at St Michael's again – please try to be present to greet him.

Our New Area Dean has now been announced! The Revd Chris Goodey, of Boughton Monchelsea, is taking up an appointment near Bristol in the autumn, having heroically functioned as Area Dean of two deaneries since the departure of the Revd Chris Lavender. The Revd Gareth Dickinson, Vicar of St Luke's, is now to be Area Dean of Maidstone, and we wish him every blessing as he undertakes this further role.

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