Trinity 4 News

A very warm welcome to any new readers, and to visitors and newcomers to St Michael's. A special welcome and thanks to Fr Paul, our celebrant this morning, who will also kindly be saying Mass for us on Thursday at 10.30 am. If you are new to St Michael's, do join us in the Vestry Hall after the service, so that we can welcome you properly.

Today we are particularly happy to welcome little Rupert, who is being baptised during Mass. Please pray for him, and for his parents and godparents. We also congratulate William, who has been a member of our congregation for some months and is now receiving conditional Baptism as he prepares for Confirmation. Please pray for him. And let us resolve, as a congregation, to keep our promise to continue to support our newly baptised members with our prayers and our concern.

Confirmation? If you have not yet been confirmed, or if you have a local godchild who ought to be thinking about Confirmation, Fr Paul will be happy to hear from you. We hope that Bishop Norman may be able to fit in a visit to St Michael's before he retires, and a Confirmation would make the occasion extra-special for everyone.

Warmest thanks and congratulations to all who were involved in planning our Strawberry Fair and in ensuring its success on the day, whether by setting-up, providing merchandise, being behind stalls or counters, and clearing up. It was a real St Michael's team effort, but we are particularly grateful to Sara, who managed to organise the event despite her complicated work commitments, and to Sue and her helpers, who mounted the wonderful strawberry teas. With money still coming in, we have so far achieved over £630.

Last Sunday's Blessing of the Fisheries was attended by Mike and Mary, who report: “Bishop Norman led the worship at the annual Blessing of the Fisheries ceremony on the harbour-side at Folkestone on Sunday, June 25th. The service took place against the backdrop of a serene sea and a cloudless sky. Afterwards the procession of clergy and congregation returned up the hill to St Peter's Church for the closing hymn and blessing. A splendid spread of refreshments was provided on the lawn outside.”

Various good friends of St Michael's were present, including Tim Samuelson.

A diary date for next month – Richborough Festival at St Albans. Join this annual day of fellowship and celebration on Saturday 5th August 2023, with Mass in the Cathedral at noon and then bring your own picnic for lunch in Bishop Norman's garden. In further Richborough news…

Bishop Norman will lead a pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham from Friday 8th – Sunday 10th September 2023.To book, please contact the Shrine accommodation office on 01328 820239, indicating when you book that this is for the Richborough Family Pilgrimage. If you couldn't join this August's pilgrimage, here's a fresh opportunity! Or, further afield….Bishop Norman and Canon Adrian Ling are planning a pilgrimage to the Holy Land from 13th - 22nd November 2024. Further details on Please note that the 2023 pilgrimage booked up very quickly, and it would be wise to book, and start budgeting, now. Bishop Norman is an inspiring pilgrimage leader and you can expect a wonderful experience.

Happy Birthday to Malcolm, for whose contribution to our music, both as organist and as singer, we are all deeply grateful.

The PCC meets on Wednesday, 5th July, at 7.30 pm. If there is anything you would like members to discuss, please speak to a member TODAY.

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