Easter 5 News

A very warm welcome to any new readers, and to visitors and newcomers to St Michael's. A special welcome and thanks to Fr Paul, our celebrant this morning, who will also kindly be saying Mass for us on Thursday at 10.30 am. If you are new to St Michael's, do join us in the Vestry Hall after the service, so that we can welcome you properly.

Today we are celebrating His Majesty's Coronation with a parish lunch, to which everyone is invited. Let us keep The King in our prayers – and also all those who are taking up positions of responsibility now that the local elections have taken place.

Warmest thanks to all who have provided food and help for today's lunch – particularly Alison, for masterminding both this occasion and last Sunday's agreeably fizzy APCM!

St Andrew's, Barming, is holding a Coronation Tea this afternoon, 2.30-4.30. Visitors from St Michael's are welcome – no charge, donation appreciated.

Thanks once more to those public-spirited members of the congregation who are serving our church in new, or newly reaffirmed, ways in the wake of the Annual Meeting. We congratulate Jonathan, our Churchwarden, Paul, our Deputy Warden, Katja, our Safeguarding Officer, and the other members of our PCC: Alison Ponter, Catherine Garland, Sara Dray, Nelly Kwalombota, Margaret Gatehouse, Eleanor Relle. The first meeting of the PCC will take place on 24th May; if there are any items you would like raised, please speak to a PCC member. And please support our office-bearers in every way you can, particularly by keeping them in your prayers.

Our Strawberry Fair is planned for 1st July, 2pm-4.30 pm. The central attraction will be the strawberry teas, but some people are already working towards additional offerings, including a raffle, a craft stall and a tombola. Sara will welcome further ideas, items for the tombola etc., offers of help with publicity, and of course supporters who can cook, prepare or wash up. As her work sometimes keeps her away from Mass, please note that you can contact Sara on 07837 919761, or email sara_pointer@msn.com.

From Our Tower:

Kent County Association: Maidstone, Kent, St Michael and All Angels

Sunday, 30 April 2023 in 37m (6–1–24 in C)

1250 Yorkshire Surprise Major

  1. Terry Barnard
  2. Rona Joiner
  3. Jacqueline Barlow
  4. Mark Elvers
  5. Paul Barton
  6. Richard Barclay
  7. Mike Birkbeck
  8. Neil Jones (C)

Remembering John Tester (April 2022) and Pat Barton (May 2022), R.I.P.

Rung on the Saint's Days of St Pius V, Pope; St Catherine of Sienna and St Pandita Mary Ramabai, translator of the Scriptures, 1922.

Mothers' Union Members: This Thursday's 10.30 Mass is the monthly MU Mass, - it would be so good to see as many members as possible joining us.

Forward in Faith Members – a reminder from the Administrator: “There are a few places left at the Forward in Faith Festival on Saturday 20th May! This is a great opportunity to find out about what’s been happening in Forward in Faith and The Society, and to meet other members from around the country. If you would like to attend there is still time to book – please confirm by Wednesday 10th May and I can get your place reserved. The Festival takes place from 12pm to 4pm on Saturday 20 May at the church of St Alban the Martyr, Holborn, London EC1N 7RD. The day starts with a Solemn Mass at 12pm with high quality choral music and concludes with Benediction at 3.30pm. Between those liturgies there is a hot lunch with wine and a short annual meeting along with a couple of presentations. All you need to do is to email me to confirm your attendance and then make a £10 donation on the day towards lunch costs (a card machine will be available at St Alban's). If you need any further information, please do let me know.” The annual Festival is always an inspiring occasion, and it would be great if St Michael's could be represented. Telephone Louisa on 020 7388 3588 or email admin.assistant@forwardinfaith.com.

Could you pass this sheet on to someone else who might like to see it?
