Lent 3 News

A very warm welcome to any new readers, and to visitors and newcomers to St Michael's. A special welcome to Fr Paul, our celebrant this morning, who will also kindly be celebrating Mass for us on Thursday at 10.30 am. If you are new to St Michael's, do join us for tea or coffee in the Vestry Hall after the service, so that we can welcome you properly.

Going to church with Mum on Mothering Sunday is a fine old English tradition. Granny might like to come too! Mothering Sunday this year is next Sunday, 19th March, and at Mass we can give thanks for motherhood in its many aspects – the motherhood of our blessed Lady, the motherhood of the Church, the work of the Mothers' Union and similar organisations, and the people and professions that nurture and teach others, whether children or not. At the end of Mass there will be posies for those present to give to their mums. Why not invite family members, a family known to you, or a kindly neighbour?

The PCC Agenda is on display in the Narthex.

The Chrism Mass at which Bishop Norman will be presiding takes place on Tuesday, 4th April at Canterbury Cathedral, followed by a (free) sandwich lunch. The latter is available only for those who book! - please let Eleanor know today if you intend to come to the lunch. But whether or not you can stay for the lunch, the Mass is always an inspiring occasion and St Michael's should be well represented. Do come if you can! Can anyone offer a lift to others?

A Piano (belonging to a neighbour of Paul's) seeks a new home. If you would like it – or have a friend or relation who might – please speak to Paul.

Lay Ministry is something our diocese rightly wants to celebrate and encourage. All sorts of information and helpful links can be found in the latest newsletter “Equipping for ministry” - https://mailchi.mp/diocant/equipping-for-ministry-february-1451434?e=79df12de23. Lay people can lead worship, become Anna Chaplains, train as Readers, and exercise the kind of valued parish ministry familiar to us all at St Michael's, as servers, chalice-bearers, leaders of intercessions….. Could God be calling you to one of these roles, or to some other? A Lay Ministry Celebration Day is being held at St Benedict's Centre, Swan Street, West Malling, on May 13th, 10.30 am - 4.30 pm, which (as well as being a forum for lay ministers and those who train them) should provide some ideas for anyone interested in further exploration.

Ukraine, sadly, remains in the news, and its needs remain desperate. For space reasons the nearest local collecting-point has lately stopped accepting clothing and other bulky items – but it continues to appeal for medicines for animals and people (even if partly used, even if - recently - out of date), for toiletries and sanitary supplies, and for such things as walking aids. Please speak to Eleanor, who can give you the address or will deliver for you if you prefer.

Reminder: the parish Quiet Day, led by Fr Derek, is on March 25th. If you are coming, please touch base with Eleanor after Mass.

Could you pass this sheet on to someone else who might like to see it?
