Second Before Lent News

A warm welcome to any new readers, and to visitors and newcomers to St Michael's.

As we move towards Lent, today's readings encourage us to thank God for His generosity in creating and redeeming the world, and to seek to live in a spirit that reflects that generosity. A special welcome to Fr Paul, who is kindly celebrating today and will also be celebrating Mass for us on Thursday at 10.30. If you are new to St Michael's, do join us for tea or coffee in the Vestry Hall after Mass, so that we can welcome you properly.

Garden Working Party plans an extra session on Saturday, February 11th, 9.30 am to 12 noon. The regular session, on February 25th, will be devoted to general clearing and tidying before Bishop Norman's visit. There are many jobs connected with a church that get noticed only when they don't get done – so thanks to all cleaners, tidiers, polishers and gardeners, and a particular thank you to Jessica for her work last week in dismantling the Crib and sorting out the flower corner.

A notice from Jessica about Easter flowers will be appearing shortly – watch this space!

Ministry isn't something done just by clergy. Lay ministry takes many forms, some “official” and some less so. A FREE Lay Ministry Celebration Day takes place on May 13th at St Augustine's College, Malling Abbey, 10.30-4.30 – a chance to learn about specialised ministry like Anna Chaplaincy, to take a fresh look at whatever we are already doing in the service of our church, and to learn from visiting speakers and from one another. Eleanor will have space in her car. Information and booking via: https://staugustinescollege.

Foster Carers do a wonderful job and are always needed. The Diagrama fostering agency is running an information event on Thursday, 23^rd^ February, 11 am – 2 pm, at Maidstone Community Support Centre, 39-48 Marsham Street, for anyone who might be interested in exploring fostering. Or telephone 0800 802 1910 for a brochure.

Don't forget – Wednesday 22nd February is Ash Wednesday. Mass will be at 7.30 pm.

Bishop Norman's Visit, February 26th: Sue Matthias or Alison Ponter will still welcome offers of help and/or food.

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