Third Before Lent News

A warm welcome to any new readers, and to visitors and newcomers to St Michael's. Today we leave behind us the Epiphany season, and look forward to the approach of Lent and Passiontide – a time to ask ourselves how serious we are about our Christian faith, and to seek our Lord's help to “know Thee more clearly, love Thee more dearly, and follow Thee more nearly.” A special welcome to Fr Paul, who is kindly celebrating today and will also be celebrating Mass for us on Thursday at 10.30. If you are new to St Michael's, do join us for tea or coffee in the Vestry Hall after Mass, so that we can welcome you properly.

People, look east! Our splendid east window, so wretchedly damaged by vandals last summer, has finally been repaired – as has the window in the north porch, which we can now see for the little gem it is. Easthope Stained Glass of Folkestone did the repairs, adding a new external guard for the east window, and we are deeply thankful for their technology, craftsmanship - and patience. We also much appreciate the prompt, capable and helpful service of John White at White's Upright Scaffolding.

The Garden Working Party really makes a difference! Thank you to all who worked so hard in January. An extra GWP has been scheduled for Saturday,11th February, at 9.30 am – tasks to include finishing work on the hedge. Hopefully the weather will cooperate! Speak to Martyn for further information. There will be a regular GWP on Saturday, 25th February, at 9.30 am, for general clearing and tidying, particularly in view of...

...Bishop Norman's Visit on 26th February – a chance for us all to seek inspiration and encouragement on the first Sunday of Lent. Please sign up on the list at the back of church if you can offer food and/or help with the buffet lunch planned for après-Mass that day – and, most important, come to church on the 26th! The Bishop's encouragement will be especially welcome in view of our...

...Vacancy News: A letter from the Bishop of Dover, received last Monday, informs us that “I will not be taking the application further at this time” and that the Archdeacon of Maidstone “will be speaking to you about the next steps for making a new appointment.”

Our Quiet Day at The Friars on Saturday March 25th promises to be a refreshing and rewarding one. If you have not yet registered an interest, do speak to Eleanor, Paul or Jonathan if you would like to come. If you might be able to offer someone a lift, better still!

The Consecration of the Bishop of Oswestry took place on Candlemas morning in the magnificent surroundings of the Quire of Canterbury Cathedral. Two more bishops were consecrated in the afternoon – but the St Michael's party, numbering 6 in all, adjourned for lunch to the Kent and Canterbury Club, at the invitation of Fr Derek. Warmest thanks to Fr Derek for making it such a happy and convivial expedition.

From our Tower:

Kent County Association: Maidstone, Kent, St Michael and All Angels

Friday, 27 January 2023 in 40m (6–1–24 in C)

1272 Carlisle Surprise Minor

1Janice Byrne

2Jacqueline Barlow

3Philip Jarvis

4Mark Elvers

5Pam Thomas

6Neil Jones (C)

1700th Quarter and final quarter on current hip: 2.

Sunday, 29 January 2023 in 43m (6–1–24 in C)

1280 London Surprise Major

1Terry Barnard

2Phillip Barnes

3Mike Birkbeck

4Mark Elvers

5Elizabeth Barnes

6Paul Barton

7Pam Thomas

8Neil Jones (C)

In memory of Sheila Barton who would have been 91 today.
