Epiphany 3 News

A warm welcome to any new readers, and to visitors and newcomers to St Michael's, on this third Sunday of Epiphany, the season when we thank God for revealing His glory not only to the Jewish people but to all nations. We give thanks for the recovery of Fr Paul and welcome him back; he will also kindly celebrate Mass for us on Thursday at 10.30 am. If you are new to St Michael's, please join us for tea or coffee in the Vestry Hall after Mass, so that we can welcome you properly.

A Quiet Day! “Then He said to them, "Come away, all of you, to a quiet place, and rest awhile." For there were many coming and going, so that they had no time even to eat.” (Mark 6: 31) Does this invitation strike a chord? Life can be stressful for us all, as individuals and as a parish. At their last meeting, the PCC decided to plan towards a Lent Quiet Day - a time of rest, reflection and compass-setting - in which every member of the congregation is also invited to take part. The likely date is Saturday, March 25th, the likely place The Friars at Aylesford. Further details remain to be worked out, but do please register an interest by speaking to Jonathan, Paul or Eleanor.

Congratulations to former St Michael's choirboy Dylan, recently admitted to the Foundation of Rochester Cathedral at Cathedral Evensong, in the presence of the Dean and the Headmaster of the King's School – and of Ralph, who was in the congregation.

The Garden Working Party (frustrated by the weather last time it was due to meet) will try again, weather permitting, from 9.30 to 12 noon on Saturday, January 28^th,^ All helpers welcome – please speak to Martyn for further information.

Work on our East Window will now begin on 1st February if all goes well.

Bishop Philip North preached memorably during our parish pilgrimage to Walsingham in 2019, and those who heard him will be among the many who rejoice at this month's announcement that he is now to be Bishop of Blackburn. This appointment shows – and should help to ensure – that mutual flourishing is an actuality, not just an aspiration. A rewarding selection of Bishop Philip's talks and writings can be found at https://www.blackburn.anglican.org/bishop-philip.

The Consecration of the Bishop of Oswestry takes place at Canterbury on Thursday, 2nd February; there will therefore be no Mass at St Michael's that day. Do come and celebrate Candlemas in Canterbury Cathedral! Ask Eleanor about lifts.

Living in Love and Faith will be discussed by General Synod next month. Last week's response to it by the College of Bishops, reaffirming the doctrine of marriage as the Church of England has received it while recognising, penitently, the destructiveness of prejudice, and proposing prayers of blessing for same-sex couples, is now in turn the subject of a pastoral letter from the Bishop of Dover, in which she writes, “However challenging we may find life together, it is unChristlike for us to use our diversity as an excuse for separation and withdrawal from one another. Our Lord’s command is to love and serve one another….In him, our messy offerings may become a blessing to one another and to our world.”

Opportunities to make a difference! Do you know the right people for these jobs – or might you be one of the right people yourself?

The adventurous new St Faith's Centre in Maidstone is looking for a Centre Manager. Details from Rose Henn-Macrae, 07970 883785.

Emerge Advocacy, a charitable organisation whose members provide support for people who have been in hospital after episodes of self-harm, are expanding their activity in Kent and would like to hear from anyone in Maidstone who might be interested in working with them. Details at www.emergeadvocacy/jobs.

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