Epiphany 2 News

A warm welcome to any new readers, and to visitors and newcomers to St Michael's, as we keep this second Sunday of Epiphany. A special welcome and many thanks to our celebrant Fr Derek, who has kindly stepped in to celebrate Mass for us today, as Fr Paul is convalescing after a chest infection. If you are new to St Michael's, please join us for tea or coffee in the Vestry Hall after Mass, so that we can welcome you properly.

Watch this space… At their meeting on Thursday, the PCC considered ways in which we at St Michael's could recharge our batteries in this new year, particularly with Lent in mind. While some of the things we have done in the past (for example a residential pilgrimage to Walsingham) would be difficult to arrange in the available time, we think many of us would benefit from a Quiet Day with minimal travelling involved. We are therefore working towards a Quiet Day at The Friars, probably on a Saturday in March - details to be announced shortly. Everyone will be welcome to join in this; a Quiet Day is a wonderful opportunity to recharge one's batteries, and at a time when we are concerned about so many things, including the future of the parish, time to be still together in the presence of God will be of value to us, and not only to us. More information very soon.

Sidespersons – we need them! The PCC also noted the importance of welcoming worshippers (particularly newcomers and visitors), and also of managing the collection appropriately (it was clear at Christmas that not everyone spotted the collection plate, and it's not something one necessarily wants to point out to a visitor who has just come through the door). We do need more people who are willing to welcome new arrivals and to circulate the plate during the Offertory. Could you do this worthwhile job, perhaps once a month? Please have a word with Paul, who can give you further information.

Parish Giving Scheme: As we have previously noted, this new scheme promises well, both for church finances and for the sanity of parish Treasurers. The PCC has approved our participating in the PGS (as the diocese is withdrawing much of the administrative support that has hitherto been available to parish Treasurers, non-participation would not be sensible) and we shall hear more from Treasurer Nelly shortly about any changes that have to be implemented at our end.

Come to Canterbury on February 2nd for the Consecration of the new Bishop of Oswestry! This will be a memorable and moving way of keeping Candlemas, and an occasion at which Bishop Norman is anxious to see a good representation from the Resolution parishes in this diocese. Eleanor has 3 places in her car and would be glad to know of anyone else who can offer a lift.

Cards and packs of envelopes, in significant numbers, are still awaiting collection in the narthex. Are there any for you, or for a friend or neighbour to whom you could kindly deliver? Many have been there since before Christmas – please take a moment to check!

Work on our East Window will – at last! - be beginning shortly.

From Our Tower:

Kent County Association

Maidstone, Kent

St Michael and All Angels

Sunday, 8 January 2023 in 39m (6–1–24 in C)

1269 Cambridge Surprise Minor

1Jacqueline Barlow

2Stephen Coaker

3John J Proudfoot

4Mark Elvers

5Pam Thomas

6Neil Jones (C)

Rung on the first Sunday of Epiphany. Remembering Joyce Neal, 5/1/99. R.I.P.
