Advent 3 News

A warm welcome to any new readers, and to visitors and newcomers to St Michael's, as we keep this third Sunday in Advent, light the third candle on the Advent wreath, and reflect on the ministry of John the Baptist, preparing the way of the Lord and calling God's people to repentance. A special welcome to our celebrant Fr Paul, who will also kindly celebrate Mass for us on Thursday at 10.30 am. If you are new to St Michael's, please join us for tea or coffee in the Vestry Hall after Mass, so that we can welcome you properly.

Warmest Thanks to Sara and everyone else who worked so hard to publicise and deliver yesterday's successful and enjoyable Coffee Morning. Wonderful refreshments, lively stalls and games, a valuable chance to enjoy one another's company and also meet visitors.

A Christmas Card Tree is now at the back of the church. No pressure, of course – but if you would like to write just one card for all your St Michael's friends and hang it on the tree, and then give to our church the money you have thus saved in cards and postage, Treasurer Nelly will be delighted! Thank you, Jessica, for arranging the tree.

Wanted, a house to let between Maidstone and Lenham. The Revd Arthur Houston (St Faith's) has been hosting, very happily, a Ukrainian family who now need a place of their own. They can pay a commercial rent and the Revd Arthur is willing to be a guarantor, but almost nothing seems to be available. Does anyone know of a possible property?

Children will be children… We shall be welcoming several schools, including our own St Michael's Schools, to pre-Christmas services this week. After Mass, can you please tidy up hymn books, Mass booklets and kneelers near you, so that they will be out of harm's way?

Church decorating – Jessica will welcome help with this from 9.30 am on Wednesday 14th. We shall also need helpers for post-Christmas un-decorating, when Jessica will be on holiday – watch this space.

Vacancy news – alas, at the moment there isn't any.

Carol Service – Don't forget – Sunday 18th at 4 pm, joyous worship followed by mulled wine and mince pies! Some friends we haven't seen for a while are expected, and we can all look forward to singing some familiar music and spending some time together.

Faculty News – Good news! We have (at last) been granted our Faculty for the repair to our vandalised east window.

From Our Tower - Kent County Association, Maidstone, Kent: St Michael and All Angels

Sunday, 27 November 2022 in 41m (6–1–24 in C)

1260 Spliced Minor (2m)

720 Cambridge, 540 Plain Bob; 29 com.

1 Emma Jarvis

2 Jacqueline Barlow

3 Philip Jarvis

4 Mark Elvers

5 Pam Thomas

6 Neil Jones (C)

For Advent Sunday.

Sunday, 4 December 2022 (6–1–24 in C)

1260 Grandsire Triples

1 Rupert Cheeseman

2 Graham D Heath

3 Jacqueline M Barlow

4 Terry Barnard

5 Paul A Barton

6 Kath White

7 Philip Jarvis (C)

8 Mark Elvers

Rung in memory of TDB
