Advent Sunday News

A warm welcome to any new readers, and to visitors and newcomers to St Michael's, as we keep this first Sunday of the Church's year – Advent Sunday. Advent is a season in its own right - a time of expectation and hope, with its own opportunities and challenges:

“Yea, let us each our hearts prepare

For Christ to come and enter there.”

A special welcome to our celebrant Fr Paul, who will also kindly celebrate Mass for us on Thursday at 10.30 am. If you are new to St Michael's, please join us for tea or coffee in the Vestry Hall after Mass, so that we can welcome you properly.

James Taylor writes: “Thank you all so very much for the cards, your prayers and your very kind and loving words. We are so grateful to you all.” We continue to pray for his granny-in-law Francesca and for all the family.

Vacancy News: Fr Richard Bolton, formerly of Holy Trinity, Winchmore Hill, has applied to become our parish priest and will be coming to Maidstone for interview on December 7th. The timetable for the day has yet to be announced from the Archdeacon's office, but it will certainly include an opportunity for parishioners to meet him, and for him to meet parishioners. Alas, the 7th is a working day – but please watch this space and see if you might be available when it matters. Everyone needs to feel that the “fit” is right! And please keep Fr Richard, the appointment process, and all concerned in it, in your prayers.

The Mothers' Union Advent service, planned for the 7th, will now take place on the 14th.

Our Coffee Morning (10th December, 10.30 am - 1 pm) needs publicity and support from everyone. Spread the word, and see what you can contribute to make it a success!

The Garden Working Party meets on December 3^rd^, 9.30am – 12 noon. Warmest thanks to all who give time and energy to make our church look welcoming, inside and out.

On our Advent Wreath (Thank you, Jessica!), we can “light up” the themes that unfold at the Sunday Masses of Advent – part of our joyful and solemn preparation for Christmas. Jessica will be glad of help with the trees and other decorations on the 14th.

St Andrew's, Deal, one of our neighbour Resolution parishes, celebrates its patronal festival on Wednesday 30th with Mass at 7.30 pm. Everyone is invited.

Our Heating (yes, we now have some!): Many thanks to Nelly and Martyn for their efforts in locating our gas man (who had moved), and being on the spot when he came to service the boiler. Nelly is one of very many PCC treasurers who have applied for a grant to help their churches with heating costs. Not surprisingly (despite a horribly complicated form), there has been a flood of applications, not all of which will succeed, but the diocese will notify the lucky parishes in the near future.

From Our Tower:

Kent County Association: Maidstone, Kent, St Michael and All Angels

Sunday, 13 November 2022 in 41m (6–1–24 in C)

1263 Stedman Triples

1Philip Jarvis

2Kath White

3Jacqueline Barlow

4Janice Byrne

5Paul Barton

6Pam Thomas

7Neil Jones (C)

8Mark Elvers

Rung half-muffled for Remembrance Sunday.

"We will remember them."

Sunday, 20 November 2022 in 43m (6–1–24 in C)

1312 Spliced Surprise Major (4m)

416 Cambridge; 320 Superlative; 288 each of London and Bristol; 32 com.

1Philip Jarvis

2Mike Birkbeck

3Jacqueline Barlow

4Mark Elvers

5Janice Byrne

6Rupert Cheeseman

7Pam Thomas

8Neil Jones (C)Rung on the Feast of Christ the King.

Remembering David O'Sullivan, 22/11/2019, R.I.P..
