Trinity 15 News

A warm welcome to any new readers and to anyone new to St Michael's. A particular welcome to Fr Paul Matthias, who is kindly celebrating Mass for us today.

Fr Neil and Elizabeth's thank-you card, with a picture of the patio furniture they bought with our parting gift, can be seen in the narthex. Fr Neil emailed last week that the shop's loyalty scheme has now enabled them to acquire, almost free, 2 further chairs, to use on their balcony - “So the gift from the church went on giving!”

Forward in Faith's AGM takes place at St Michael's, Harbledown, on Saturday 8th October, beginning with Mass at 10 am and finishing by 12.30. The paperwork has unfortunately been delayed, but please, members, try to be there, and if you haven't yet joined, do think seriously about joining – visit

A Michaelmas Requiem Mass for Fr Paul Gibbons will be celebrated at the Ordinariate Chapel (37A, Barming Road, Wateringbury) on Thursday 29th September at 11am. Some people who were unable to attend his funeral may like to come; Eleanor will have one or two places in her car. Please spread the word. Refreshments served afterwards.

The St Michael's Schools' Michaelmas Service takes place in church, also on Michaelmas Day, at 9.30 am. We shall not have a Mass here that day, but everyone is invited to join the congregation at St Michael's, Harbledown, for Mass at 7.30 pm, followed by a reception.

Offers of food and help for next Sunday's Michaelmas/Harvest Lunch are still most welcome – please see the list in the narthex.

From our Tower:

Kent County Association - Maidstone, Kent

St Michael and All Angels

Monday, 19 September 2022 (6–1–24 in C)

General Ringing

Rounds, Bob Doubles, St Simons. Rung fully muffled with the tenor open at backstroke

1Terence V Barnard

2Michael A Birkbeck

3Charlotte T Elvers

4Mark T Elvers

5Martin Gerhards

6Deborah Goacher

7Graham D Heath

8Betsy Piercey

Rung immediately following the state funeral of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II at Westminster Abbey. May she rest in peace and rise in glory.

Readers' List for October:

Warmest thanks to all our readers. If unable to read on the day listed, please feel free to make an arrangement with another reader. Please, as far as possible, try to arrive at the lectern simultaneously and return to your places simultaneously.

October 2nd OT Mike Trout, NT Eta Kwalombota

October 9th OT Ralph Baldock, NT Paul Jones

October 16th OT Katja Svarts, NT Margaret Gatehouse

October 23^rd^ OT Eleanor Relle, NT Catherine Garland

October 30th OT Eta Kwalombota, NT Mike Trout.

Would YOU like to become one of our readers? New faces, new voices, always welcome!

Could you pass this sheet on to someone else who might like to see it?
